Ceramic Round Vase with Spike Patterned, Distressed Edges Design Body and Tapered Bottom Matte Finish White

Ceramic Round Vase with Spike Patterned, Distressed Edges Design Body and Tapered Bottom Matte Finish White

Precio habitual $81.99 Oferta

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Ceramic Round Vase with Spike Patterned, Distressed Edges Design Body and Tapered Bottom Matte Finish White
- Item Height (in) : 7.5
- Packing Time (days) : 2
- Item Width (in) : 5.5
- Dimensions : 7.5, 5.5, 5.5
- Material : Ceramic
- Item Length/Depth (in) : 5.5
- Delivery Time (days) : 7
- Length: 8.5 in, Width: 4.2 in, Height: 10.5 in