Affirm Available At Checkout

Purely Natural Organics™ 
Affirm Now

Quick and easy

Checkout is simple at any store that accepts Affirm. Just enter a few pieces of information for a real-time decision.

No hidden fees

Know upfront exactly what you'll owe, with no hidden costs and no surprises.

Safe & secure

Affirm connects directly to online stores. There’s no card number to steal, so your account stays secure.

You're in control

Pick a loan that fits your budget. You’ll make real progress every month, and at the end of your loan, you’re free and clear.

Who is eligible to use Affirm?

Any United States resident 18 years or older (19 years old in Alabama or if you’re a ward of the state in Nebraska) is eligible to use Affirm.

How do I sign up for Affirm?

Select Affirm as your payment method while checking out online with any Affirm merchant partner. Just follow the easy sign up steps while you check out.

What information does Affirm require?

Your Affirm account is created using your name, email, mobile phone number, birthday and last 4 digits of SSN. This combination helps us verify and protect your identity.

How do I pay my bills?

You can pay your Affirm bills online at We accept payment by debit card, bank transfer and check.